Remember the movie UP! and doug? "I do not like the cone of shame" (there are a lot of other great quotes in that movie from Doug, but for today, we will stick with the cone of shame)
Well Bo had to go to the doctor the other day and has become the second most expensive cat we have ever owned (and thats saying something) First on that list was Patches, and that a lllooonnnggg story, which we arent going to go into now.
After coming back from eye surgery, not only does he has (4) different kinds of eyedrops he has to have put in his eye on a rotating schedule, he also has to wear, (wait for it....)
The cone of shame!, and he is not happy about it
He cant hide in all of his usual places because the cone does not fit. He keeps running into doorways (because of the cone and also because vision on one side still isnt back to what is use to be) . and most of all, he cant rub his face on things, which he loves to do
and most of all, it is hard to eat with this thing on!
although it is kind of funny because he was scooping the food off the plate with the cone and then licking it out of the cone.
so for the next week or so, feel bad for our poor defenseless cat as he has to live with this thing wrapped around his head
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