Ok, I'll readily admit it, I'm not so good with keeping up with this stuff sometimes. But, with everything that has been going on there just hasn't been the time. So, tonight I'm rededicating an effort to do a better job starting with a January, February and early March update.
At the end of January we attended the Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo with Pawpaw, Uncle Mike, Aunt Judy, Kathy and Chris. This is somewhat significant as it was Chris' first rodeo experience. Lucky for him he sat next to Uncle Mike who gave him a blow-by-blow run down of each event and the points system. I'm not sure, but I think we've got a convert. Here's a couple of pictures of Michael and Chris at the rodeo.
Also, as many of you know Michael played Upward Basketball this winter. It's a good program with a lot of good people involved. Michael did well and learned some about the game. He's already talking about next year (ugghhh).
At every practice the Coach would give the boys a bible lesson. If they learned the lesson after the game they got a green star. There were also other stars for offense, defense, best all-around, and Christ-like. Michael collected a lot of stars which was then, of course, my job to put them on the shirt before practice on Mondays. At the end of the season they had an awards ceremony and big party which Michael just loved. He was really thrilled when he was given the White Star award for the team for the season which meant he was the most Christ-like of the team for the entire season. Very impressive. Here's a picture of him with his award, covering up the subject of a later paragraph.
Okay, I'm so far behind, here is a picture from Michael's Valentine Party at school...
Okay, so last but not least, baseball practice has begun. The team has changed names, but remains the same, we are now The Storm (are you trembling?, you should be). This is our 7th season with this team and we are very happy with our baseball family. Unfortunately the boys are getting more aggressive and with that comes injury... Michael got his first busted lip at practice Monday night. His lips swelled up like a balloon. These pictures do not do them justice, it was almost comical. But, he took it in stride and after the bleeding stopped got right back in there for the rest of practice. Go Storm!!!