Saturday, July 07, 2012

Thank God He's a Country Boy

Have a lot of things to worry about, raising a child in this day and age.  One thing I can say, M is naturally a country boy

We were down at the farm for the 4th,  Helped my aunt and uncle get things setup for the annual July the 4th meal  (over 24 hours of cooking on the pit, LOTs of dead animals being smoked, and cooked, and eaten)  While he was there, M spent a lot of time visiting the Donkeys, Feeding the Cows, playing with the dogs (Remi and Ruger) and driving the mule, and shooting his gun, and driving the mule, and feeding the fish and driving the mule, and checking the hog trap, and etc.  Did I mention he drove the mule?

M shooting his Rifle  (at a feed bag stapled to a tree)

M Feeding the fish

Remi decided he was going to be a lap dog.

M driving the Mule...


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