Monday, April 30, 2012

being watched

remember the muppet show, the two old guys that sat up in the balcony, watched the show and made fun of everything that went on?

If you look close....

You can see our version of those 2 old men...


and Belle

Both sitting on the edge of beanbags....

looking through the railing.....

judging everything we do.....


Thursday, April 26, 2012


I know, I know,

I havent been as good about keeping up with this lately, but the schedule seems to get crazier every week!

Last weekend, we played ball in McKinney again, which took pretty much all weekend just driving back and forth.

Tigers had an off day on Saturday and ended up seeding VERY LOW,

I mean, really low

They werent last,  but they were rrreeeaaallllyyy close....

BUT!, they came out swinging Sunday, beat the #7 seed team in their first game, and played REALLY hard in the second game, just came up 1 run short in the end.

the boys were bummed, we were bummed, but they played hard and sometimes you just dont make it

Other than that I have had two out of town trips this week, and there are changes going on with work  (Long story).  E has been buried working on that little sporting event happening across the pond in a few months, and this weekend we play in Ardmore...

Here's hoping we can keep our heads above water!


Monday, April 16, 2012

Happy and Sad


Saturday was a great day for baseball,  it was a little windy, but other than that a great day.

The Tigers played 2 games, and they played hard and great just like we know they can.

First game they won 14-0
Second game they won 16-6

They ended up second seed in the tournament.


The elimination day of the tournament was called because of weather...

as I have repeated many times before,  Some days you win, Some days you loose, and some days, it rains.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

It was a Beer kind of day

I know, I know,   you think I have been slacking this week by not posting anything,

There hasnt been much interesting going on lately.  Anything that was interesting is better suited for my hubby's blog...


on Easter for dinner, we decided to have a Beer meal.

First was Chicken - this was before a couple hours on the grill

We made a nice rub that we spread all over this chicken, and what you cant see from this shot is the beer can shoved up in places that nice people dont speak of....

This, was after being on the grill

I know what you're thinking...

you're thinking...  Man!, that looks good

Well let me tell you

In my humble opinion

If I do say so myself

Even though I made it


there might still be some left in the fridge if you want to come by and try some...  although, I am getting a little hungry right now...

NEXT was bread

What you also can't see in this picture is the can of beer shoved up in the private areas of the loaf of bread.

No, not really

We just made the bread using some of our good quality beer.

I know what you're thinking...

you're thinking... well, was the bread any good?

Well let me tell you

In my humble opinion

If I do say so myself

Even though I made it


Hmmm..  seems I have heard that somewhere before...

What's that?  What kind of beer did we use?

I'm offended you would even ask such a question...

It should be obvious to good Texas people what kind of beer we use!

For those of you not from Texas...
enuf said....


Friday, April 06, 2012

I told you there were ducks

They came back and were in the pool yesterday.


Thursday, April 05, 2012

GO RANGERS!, I mean GO RIDERS!, I mean,,,, UHHH, I'm confused...

So as part of our season ticket deal with the Riders, we get an exhibition game each year.  Last year the riders played the Round Rock Express.

This year, the Riders played the Rangers!

Our seats are on the 3rd base side, which is home at that ballpark and low and behold, it ended up being the side the Rangers played from

Which means we got to see all the Rangers warming up

M stood up by the field and got a ball autographed by a few players, and even Ron Washington

Yu pitched,  Kinsler was DH, Napoli played 1st, Young played 2nd, and most of the rest were in their normal positions...

It was a good game, 6-1, Rangers of course

But we had to root for our team the riders too!

It was a beautiful day, which was MUCH better than the day before when all the Tornados hit our area


Tuesday, April 03, 2012


Every year, we have the same (as best as we can tell) Boy and Girl duck stop in our pool for a few days on their trip from where ever they spend the Winter to where ever they spend the summer

We had seen them around the neighborhood but hadnt seem them in our pool yet.  One evening, D was running around the backyard like a mad dog and we went to figure out what was going on

There they are, our boy and girl duck in our pool.

Of course D scared them and they flew off

 but it was good to see them again


Monday, April 02, 2012


Tigers played a tournament this past weekend,

all I can say is,  Sometimes you win, sometimes you loose, and sometimes it rains...
