and everyone asks you for ideas of what they can put on their Christmas list.
and everyone asks what you got for Christmas.
There is also the, "What should I get XXX for Christmas"
It is the every lasting question of this time of year.
I have a suggestion for everyone. Something you can ask for, something you can give people, something that wont break the bank, and yet they wont return.
Ready? Got your pencil?
Thats right, Memories.
Think back to times past. Good times and Bad times. Those memories are what is special. Not the actual gift, or thing or whatever was going on at the time. But the memory of that time and who you spent it with. That is what will stay with you forever.
This past weekend as we were doing back to back family Christmas celebrations, we had discussions about Grandparents. I lost most of mine while young. I reminded my father that I do have memories of his father. This was a long time ago, and I was young, but I have those memories.
At the same time I have memories of his mother, her teaching me to cook / bake things. Spending time with her.
I remember driving my TR3, around town with 12 other girls stuffed inside it (OK, it wasnt 12, but it was a lot)
I remember walking up to a group of guys 26 years ago and the one I wanted to speak to walked away and I had to chase him down to talk to him. Yep, that was E
I remember the holidays for E and I way back when was spent mostly in the car driving all over East Texas from one family event to another to make sure we didn't miss any of them and get in trouble.
I remember my life changing with the birth of my child. (and in case I haven't mentioned this lately, NO ONE told me that being a mother was a full contact sport)
I remember the first time M cussed. I got so mad, and E was cracking up laughing.
so you see, these are what we cherish, these are what we dig deep and pull up. The physical things help us bring back those memories, but the memories are what we all want.
so, whether its aunts, uncles, kids, grandkids, or friends. Do something with them. Anything. Just make memories.
Merry Christmas